Safety and Prescribing

Ordering Alpha-Stim®
for your Patients

Federal Law (USA only) restricts Alpha-Stim® to sale by or on the order of a licensed healthcare practitioner. 


Prescribing or Ordering for Home Use

Most patients, especially those with chronic conditions, can benefit from purchasing their own device for home use.  Alpha-Stim® devices may be ordered by licensed healthcare/mental health practitioners, including physicians, dentists, podiatrists, nurse practitioners, chiropractors, psychologists, counselors, acupuncturists and physical therapists. Please check with your state’s licensing board when in doubt.

If your clinic does not dispense Alpha-Stim® devices directly to patients at this time, we would be happy to serve your clients. You may send us a medical order directly and we will follow up with your patient. The Rx and patient contact information can be faxed to us using our dedicated fax line (888-684-8414) or emailed to [email protected].

If you prefer, you may upload the patient’s Rx (e.g., jpg, pdf, etc.) below:

Select files to send to Allevia Health.
Maximum size 10MB

Model Comparison

Alpha-Stim® MAlpha-Stim® AID
Primary Indications  
Treatment Methods  
Earclips for CESyesyes
Smart probes for painyes
Electrodes for Painyes
Five (5) Year Warrantyyesyes
Free Clinical and Technical Supportyesyes