How to order Alpha-Stim®
Ask your healthcare practitioner for a prescription
Talk to your healthcare provider to see if Alpha-Stim is right for you. All models of Alpha-Stim are regulated by the FDA and require a medical necessity form (or Rx) before dispensing to patients. Alpha-Stim can be ordered (prescribed) by a wide range of licensed healthcare providers, including physicians, psychologists, counselors or dentists.
You may fax your Rx or our Statement of Medical Necessity (SMN) form or Alpha-Stim Order form to us at 1-888-684-8414 or email it to us at [email protected] or upload your file below.
Order your Alpha-Stim device
After you send us your prescription, you may order your Alpha-Stim device in our online store or by calling 1-800-684-9343.
If you prefer a rental plan, please see our financing options.